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SK04 27.5 pollici 48V 500W Motore 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike Con 48V 10AH Batteria rimovibile agli ioni di litio per uomini

  • Potente motore di 500 watt con mozzo posteriore in un pacchetto più piccolo.
  • 10 ore di batteria rimovibile agli ioni di litio.
  • 25 km/h velocità massima e 60 km distanza massima.
  • telaio in lega di alluminio di ottima qualità, forchetta anteriore a sospensione idraulica e pneumatici a grassi resistenti all'usura.
  • impermeabile a pioggia o neve.
  • dotato di tecnologia di rilevamento della coppia elettrica.
  • con il cambio a 7 velocità Shimano.
  • freni a disco meccanici che ogni negozio di biciclette può facilmente servire.
  • Panoramica

SK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men manufactureSK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men supplierSK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men manufactureSK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men manufactureSK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men factorySK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men factorySK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men supplierSK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men manufactureSK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men factorySK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men supplierSK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men factorySK04 27.5 Inch 48V 500W Motor 7-Speed Mountain Electric Bike With 48V 10AH Removable Lithium-Ion Battery For Men manufacture

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